Barbican Instagrammer In Residence

June 2019

I was chosen for the Barbican’s Instagrammer in Residence, after entering their instagram open call with a breif that called for photographers to search for ‘lines and intersections’ around the Barbican Centre.

During the residence I photographed events including:
- Lee Krasner Exhibition
- AI: More Than Human
- Barbican Architecture Tour/ Walking Tour
- Sound Unbound

I also worked on my own photo series, which turned into a photography installation piece displayed at the Barbican titled ‘Wayfinding’. ︎︎︎

Lee Krasner

Living Colour

Lee Krasner is a key figure in American art, whose energetic
work reflects the spirit of possibility in post-war New York.

AI: More Than Human

AI: More than Human is an unprecedented survey of creative and
scientific developments in Artificial Intelligence, exploring the
evolution of the relationship between humans and technology.

Barbican Architecture Tours

New Perspectives

Led by expert guides, the tour takes you across the Barbican Centre and surrounding Brutalist estate.
You’ll explore the site’s little-known nooks and crannies, venturing through criss-crossing highwalks,
leafy courts and sweeping crescents, with plenty of stops along the way.

Sound Unbound

Barbican and Culture Mile

A free music festival of unexpected sounds in unexpected places.